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Submitted Conference Content

Full name

Mike Michalowicz

email li [at] mikemichalowicz [dot] com
Phone number +1203-314-2441
Company Obsidian Launch
City (Country) New Jersey, United States
Time 1h
Type of Conference Conference > 100 attendees
Level Everybody

The Pumpkin Plan


By his 35th birthday MIKE MICHALOWICZ (pronounced mi-‘kal-o-wits) had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies. Confident that he had the formula to success, he became an angel investor… and proceeded to lose his entire fortune. Then he started all over again, driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies. Among other innovative strategies, Mike created the “Profit First Formula”, a way for businesses to ensure profitability from their very next deposit forward. Mike is now running his third million dollar venture, is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal; is the former MSNBC business make-over expert; is a popular keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the author of Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, which BusinessWeek deemed “the entrepreneur’s cult classic.


THE PUMPKIN PLAN A Simple Strategy For Growing A Remarkable Business In Any Field There is a big lesson to be learned from farmers. Not the every day guys, but those county fair farmers who grow one ton pumpkins. They hold the secret to explosive growth, and Mike will show you how it applies directly to your business. It’s your turn to grow an award winning, explosive company!


Best for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketing

Benefits for the attendees

Learn skills to grow your company! Saying NO to bad opportunities Promoting your company Targeted growth Repetition - brand awareness



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